Thursday, December 6, 2007


Amazing is the only word that I could find in my little head to describe what happened yesterday. Ever talked with someone a day after they had brain surgery. That's right BRAIN SURGERY. Last night I called down to Atlanta to check on Griffin. After a short conversation with his dad, Griffin got on the phone. After I hung up, all I wanted to do was fall on my face before God and give him praise. Sure the doctors and nurses played a big roll in Griffin's surgery, but we all know it is God who has done the miracle in Griffin's life. Griffin has had so much courage through all of this. Continue to pray for him and his family as they all recover.

Heart of the Problem: Thought of the Day

Relief from our problems is not found in this world, the only relief from our problems can be found in the WORD."

Today's study was on peace. So many people do not have true peace in their hearts. Everything looks good on the outside, but there is that one thing in them that has yet to be fulfilled. Its the peace that only God can bring.

People try to fill that void in their life with so many things that are found in this world. Money, alcohol, drugs, promotions, pornography, power, popularity, and the list could go on and on. These things may bring a quick fix to your problem and give you peace at the time, but in the end will only lead to more misery. Trust me I have been there and tried that.

The only thing that can fill that void in our life is Jesus. God's world says in John 16:33 that in ME (speaking of Jesus) you may have peace. When we have problems in our lives we must not run to this world, but rather we must run to Jesus. He is the only one that can give us the peace in our lives that will last for all eternity.

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