Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wild Wednesday

Great Day and I hope all is well with you and your family.

Thank God for the rain. As you know we have needed the rain for a long time and last night God just opened up the heavens and poured it down on us.

As the rain fell from the sky last night, I was reminded that just as we needed the physical rain, so do we need the spiritual rain. If ever a time in our personal lives and in the life of the church in America, we need God to pour down his spiritual rain. What exactly does that mean?

It simply means that we need revival. First let me tell you that revival is not people getting saved. Revival is God's people getting right with him. It's Christians realizing that they have not been living the life that God has called them to live, falling on their face in repentance, and putting God back in his rightful place in their lives. When this happens people will see the difference in our lives and want to come to Christ based on the way we live our lives.

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