Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Unexpected

I'm pumped as to what God is up to in my life. Yesterday I was not as excited, but then the unexpected happened.

I meet a church planter the other day over facebook. If you live in the Greer area check them out. The church is called The Edge Community Church. I believe God is going to use Brad and Jeff to do some great things in this part of the upstate. I have never meet Jeff and yet he has given me a quote that has changed and encouraged me.

Jeff and I live almost the same type of lives. We both are ministers, love the Gamecocks, wives were teachers, Jeff's baby was born at the beginning of last football season, and our baby will be born at the beginning of this football season. Here is the quote.

"I don't see a way to get this done, but I'm governed by things unseen, and I know God is my source."

Many times we are faced with things that we just don't know how in the world it is going to work out. We have disappointments in our lives, we think we have things figured out only to see those dreams not become reality, and then there are those financial situations. I started this morning praying this quote in my prayer time. Now, I am going to sit back and watch God move in only ways that he can.

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