Friday, September 5, 2008

More Baby Pictures

Here are some more baby pictures. They are from last night as Carragin watched her first Carolina game and also from her ride home today from the hospital.


Crystal McAtee said...


Crystal McAtee said...

Clint, She is a beauty! Congratulations. I am thankful all went well for Mommy & Baby. I have never been more amazed at the miracle of life than the day I gave birth to my son. God's was there, I could feel HIM! I am so thankful you & Erin got to experience this! I will continue to pray for you as the sleep deprivation kicks in!!;)

Lindsay said...

Hey, Clint! Aunt Nedla sent over the link to your blog. Your new baby is adorable. Congratulations and may God bless your "new" family. -- Lindsay