Monday, July 30, 2007


I never make life changing decisions on Monday. For some reason I never want to get out of bed on Mondays, my mind never works right, and it seems that for whatever reason I am always in a blah type of mood.

Nevertheless (i know thats a long word for me) today has been a good day so far.

God really moved in our services yesterday adding to our fellowship and to His Kingdom.
Last night we had baptism. We baptized the young and the older. Just a reminder that God is still working in our mist. I am reminded as to what David wrote in Psalm 63 v. 1. He says God, you are MY God David had a personal relationship with God. Here was a man that didn't deserve having this realtionship with God, yet God forgave David and restored fellowship with him.

In the same way you and I don't deserve a realtionship with God. However, God sent his son Jesus into this world to take care of our sin and give us personal fellowship with him. The question today is can you say like David said that he is "your God?" If not why not repent of your sins, and ask him to be your God today.

Have a blessed day!!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Are you ready for some football

Over the span of my life there have been just a handful of times that I have been able to brag about the Clemson/Carolina game. Since this year I have the honor of bragging rights, I thought I would bring back the feelings I had on a cool November day last year, and if you are a tiger fan I hope it brings back your feelings as well.

Football season is almost here. I can't wait.

Friday, July 27, 2007


Thank the good Lord above it is Friday.

Wow what an awesome week. As the summer winds down and all the children prepare to go back to school, I think back to how awesome of a summer it has been. Busy, you can say that, but I would not want it any other way. God did some awesome things during our ministry this summer. Check back in August for a complete wrap-up of this awesome summer. (by the way I was seeing how many times I could use awesome in the paragraph.)

This weekend should be an excited one.

Have a great weekend. Make sure you find yourself at a place of worship (church) on Sunday.

See ya Monday bright and early (that is unless I have some great idea that I need to post before then).

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Basketball Camp/Soccer Registration

Hey guys and gals.
Well day one of this whole blog thing is about to come to an end. Before I take the dog out one last time and get ready to head to dream land, I wanted to remind all the parents who have children that Basketball Camp and Soccer Registration are both going on right now at the church. You can follow the link below and it will give you all the information that you need.

Getting involved with sports is a great way for your child to meet other people and a great way for them to learn life lessons. I hope that you will consider getting them involved.

Have a great night. See ya in the morning (hopefully)

Here is the link

Its Finally Here

Well, I now sit in my office on July 26, 2007 and came to the idea that I am going to try this whole blog thing out.

I don't know how well it is going to go but I am going to give it a try.

In the coming days, I will keep everyone posted on upcoming events in the Children's Minsitry, whats going on in the world around us, Gamecock Football (almost here), and whatever else decides to pop into my mind.

So Heres to Blogging.