Wednesday, November 28, 2007

And the Days Go By

Seems like the days are going by extremely fast these days. I cant believe that it has been a week now since I have last sat down and blogged. To say the least it has been a week of ups, downs, and all arounds. I love Thanksgiving break. We had a great time of rest and relaxation. I also ate, and ate a lot. I gave up eating sometime around 9:00pm on Friday night. My body just could not take it anymore. The turkey, green beans, mac and cheese, brownies, cookies, pie, and ice cream were all the foods that I indulged myself in.

I am working on some new stuff to blog about the next few days. I look forward to sharing some fresh thoughts with you guys and gals.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I'm Thankful For: Volume Two

I am just about to go into our annual Thanksgiving service and then we are off to Barnwell for Thanksgiving with the in-laws.

Before I go though I need to tell you the last two things that I am thankful for (although there are a ton of others these are the ones I want to mention.)

3. My family. What else can I say. I love my family and they mean the world to me. So this Thanksgiving I am giving praise to God for my family.

4. The Gamecocks and this!!!!


Monday, November 19, 2007

I Almost Forgot

Dont forget Clemson fans, I still have a few more days of bragging rights. Here is a picture that should brighten your day a little bit.

sorry I just had to.

I'm Thankful For: Volume One

Wow what a weekend. This was a great time for Erin and I just to spend together. We did absolutely nothing. Well we did clean the house and go to the mall, but other than that we just hung out together.
Since this is the week of Thanksgiving I thought I would share some things that I am thankful for. I will post up until Thanksgiving Day and then we are heading out of town until next week.

1. I am thankful for my relationship with Christ. I thought I might do a countdown, but I decided to start with the two most important things in my life. On October 31, 1996 I gave my life to Christ. He CHANGED me completely. I am reminded of a song by Jason Crabb. In it the line goes "I'm amazed that you love me." Why Christ would love someone like me is hard to understand, but I am so glad that he does. As a matter of fact he loves you too. So this Thanksgiving I am thankful for Jesus.

2. Apart from the decision to accept Christ as my Savior was the decision to marry my wife Erin was the best decision that I have ever made. She completes me. Without her in my life, life would be meaningless. She is my biggest supporter, fan, and encourager. On May 15, 2004 we became one, and I would want it no other way. This Thanksgiving I am so thankful for the most beautiful women that I have ever met or will ever meet, my wife ERIN!!!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's Been Awhile

Seems like forever since the last time that I have blogged. I had good ideas, I just haven't found the time to write.

It also seems like I have been like the Johnny Cash song which says "I've been EVERYWHERE man, I've been EVERYWHERE." I am just glad to be home. This weekend nothing is going on. It will be the first time in a long time where I am going to be able to spend time with Erin and just relax a little bit.

I am reading two books right now. In the days to come I will be sharing some thoughts with you from these two books. I am pumped to see what God is going to do in the days to come through these books and His Word.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Slow Week

Sorry that I have not posted up until now for this week. This has been one of those weeks where not a whole lot was going on.

I do want to take some time today and praise God for all that he has been doing in my life and in the life of our church. We have seen him do some pretty awesome things over the past month.

Griffen (the boy in my ministry that we have been praying for) is doing very well. He is sitting up and they have taken all but one tube and an IV out. God has done some pretty awesome things with Griffen. Though not totally out of the woods yet, we are praying that God will continue to show himself BIG in Griffen's life.

As for the weekend, Erin is going home to see her mom and dad. What does that mean for me. Well I imagine it will have something to do with pig skin and a grass field. Saturday night I will be in Columbia. You figure it out.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Bright Spot in the Darkness

Well this weekend was not a good one when it comes to the teams that I pull for. On Friday night I left a football game for only the third time ever. Wren absolutely beat the crap out of Easley. Wren scored 51 unanswered points to win the game.

Saturday was a good day up until 8:00pm. Erin and I had a great time in Greenville shopping and out at dinner. We came home put up some new curtains and then it was time for the USC game. Four hours later, Arkansas had run for 530 yards and scored 48 points. We only scored 36. Not a good night.

So far the weekend had been very dark. Then came Sunday. I had the opportunity to lead a 50 something year old man to faith in Jesus Christ. During the invitation he came down crying in need of something. After I short talk, I ask him did he want to be a changed man. Usually I would then lead in the prayer, however this time I let him pray. He called out to Christ, repented of his sins, ask for forgiveness, and ask Christ to be his Savior.

That's what it is about. I'll take losing every game of the year if it means me getting to lead people to Christ every week.

Here's to a wonderful week.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Just Back

I just returned home for the Big and I mean Big city of Atlanta GA. Pastor, Walt, and I went down to see Griffen. It was unlike anything that I had imagined.

The good news is that Griffen's numbers are right where they need to be. We had a great time talking with Barney and Deanne. I cant imagine what they are going through. Please continue praying for them as the days ahead will be very anxious ones. If all continues to go well today, they are going to slowly begin to wake him up.

Right now its off for a nap. We left this morning at 5:00am and I am a little tired.