Monday, March 23, 2009

God, Blow me Up

Just got back home from my dad's house where we had a little family get together tonight after church. I am physically and spiritually exhausted at this point. This is actually going to be a two day blog. It is now 10:00pm and I have to get these thoughts down before they leave me.

Today God blew me up on the inside. First I was able to lead a 1st grade student to faith in Jesus Christ. That absolute never gets old. I am so unworthy to be used by God, but so grateful I have the chance to make a difference in the lives of boys and girls.

Pastors two messages on the church today were awesome. I am going to sleep on what God is doing inside of me and then I will post some more tomorrow. In the mean time my prayer is that God would blow me up inside with his power and grace.

It is now 10:18am and anytime God is doing something in your life you can bet that Satan will not sit back and take it lightly. So as soon as I woke up this morning that is just what he did.

Last night the choir sang the song The Light of that City. Below you can find the video. The first line of the chorus says "on that day we will cry HOLY, HOLY, HOLY." The song simply reminded me that because God is so HOLY, I must give him my WHOLE heart and life. Praying that God blows up inside of me this week with HIS holiness.

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