Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Is He Lord?

I cant begin to tell what God has been doing in my life over the past couple of weeks. It has simply been amazing. I wish I was at a point in my life where I could honestly say that I have surrendered complete control over to him. The problem is I cant.

Sure there are the obvious things. The baby on the way, financial things, ministry, just to name of few, but there are a few things that God is slowly but surely getting my attention on. Today as I read in the book of Luke, God put the smack down on me.

Luke 20:41-45 or somewhere in that area, Jesus is talking to the religious leaders of that day. He ask them why they had been teaching that he was the son of David. Then he quotes a some Scripture from Psalm to them and then ask them this question. Does David not call me Lord?

Wow, do I call him Lord. The spiritual answer to this question would be yes I call him Lord. However, when we look at our lives do we call him Lord by the way that we live. In other words does God have all of you. Your actions and attitudes, your walk and your talk. Do those belong to God? What about your job and your family, and then there is your free time. Do those belong to God?

We must make Jesus Lord over our lives. Until we get to the point where he is Lord over everything, we can not call him Lord. See he is Lord over everything and nothing can change that. The question today is have you let him unleash his authority in your life.

After God laid his smack down on me this morning, I got up, confessed where I had been disobedient and now I am can say that Jesus is Lord over my life.

I will follow up these little thoughts tomorrow.....

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