Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Worship Through Song

As many of you may or may not know I cant sing. Or at least that is what I have been told even though I don't think I am as bad as people say. With that being said, I love to sing. Here lately I have been on youtube looking up my favorite songs. They range from old southern gospel songs to Toby Mac. At this moment I am listening to a new worship CD for kids that has taken old songs, amped them up, and I am having a great time praising God.

Many times people think that spending time with God is just praying and reading our Bible. While these things are vital to our growth in Christ they are not the only things. Today, I experienced the power and presence of God just by listening and singing praise songs to our Savior (hopefully Terry wasn't annoyed since his office is beside mine).

David knew what it was like to praise God. In Psalm 119:164 he says "Seven times a day I praise You." David knew God's greatness and his lovingkindness. As long as David lived he was going to praise God through song. David did it seven times a day and probably more, yet we often go throughout the day surrounded by God's blessings and never take the time to stop and praise Him.

Stop right now, and Praise God for all that he has done for you.

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