Wednesday, November 28, 2007

And the Days Go By

Seems like the days are going by extremely fast these days. I cant believe that it has been a week now since I have last sat down and blogged. To say the least it has been a week of ups, downs, and all arounds. I love Thanksgiving break. We had a great time of rest and relaxation. I also ate, and ate a lot. I gave up eating sometime around 9:00pm on Friday night. My body just could not take it anymore. The turkey, green beans, mac and cheese, brownies, cookies, pie, and ice cream were all the foods that I indulged myself in.

I am working on some new stuff to blog about the next few days. I look forward to sharing some fresh thoughts with you guys and gals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would not have mentioned that I watched some football either. It all stunk last weekend! I really miss Jad Dean! I hope that you are doing well brother!