Monday, November 3, 2008

Weekend Wrap Up

It is Monday and right now I must admit that I am in the mood to do nothing. Yet there is a lot of stuff that I need to be doing. With that being said, this week is going to be a busy one.

I am coming off a great weekend.

Friday- 12 years ago on October 31 I was saved by Jesus Christ. That day he changed me completely. Erin and I headed down to Columbia for a weekend of fun. We stayed at Erin's aunt and uncles house where we took Carragin trick or treating. Well actually cousin Rylee did all of that and Carragin slept most of the time. Yet it was still a fun time.

Saturday- Went to the Carolina game. What a game. For the first time since 1992 Carolina beat Tennessee in Columbia. The greatest part was not just that they won, but the fact that they dominated. The best part of the night was that after the game it only took me 10 minutes to get back to the house, not 2 hours like it normally does. I think I want to move to Columbia.

Sunday- Got the opportunity to preach at Pineview Baptist Church in West Columbia. The people there were the most welcoming and friendly people that I have ever had a privilege to preach to. I thought the day went great. Thanks to my good buddy Brandon for giving me the opportunity to share God's Word.

Sunday night I returned to RSBC where we had a wonderful service. Thanks to Kevin Matthews and our whole Children's Worship team for taking care of the children's worship service so that I could be in the main auditorium for the service.

Please join me in praying for our nation and the elections that are coming up tomorrow!!

God will have his way, for he is always in control!!!

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