Thursday, August 14, 2008

New Feature Added

As you have heard by now I have added a music player to the bottom of my blog. I think that you will really enjoy this feature.

There are several things that I want to tell you about it. First, if you don't want to listen to it just go to the bottom of the page and hit the stop button. Second, if you want to listen to the songs while surfing on the Internet all you have to do is click on the middle button (Pop-Out Player). This will open the play list up in a new window and allow you to look at other websites while listening to the music. Don't like a certain song, that's ok, just click on the one you do like to listen.

If there are songs that you would like for me to post to the play list then email me at or leave me a comment. I will be changing the songs up every now and then.

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