Monday, December 31, 2007

It's Over

Today is the last day of 2007 (like you couldn't figure that one out). This past year has brought about many good things in my life. Over the last few days I have shared some of those things with you.

I wish I could sit here today and tell you that my walk with Christ is where it ought to be, my relationship with my wife is where it should be, my work effort is where it should be, and that life is all and well. However, I just can't tell you that.

The fact is I hope that it never will be. See, if I ever get to the point where all of the above is where I want it to be then I have stopped growing as a person. When we become satisfied with where we are at, it is at that point we lose perspective in this life. When we think we are where we need to be with our walk with Christ, we tend to not read, pray, tithe, or witness like we should. When I think my relationship with my wife is where it needs to be, then I stop doing the little things that make her happy, I stop caring for her feelings, I stop thinking about her and start thinking about me. When I think I am working like I should, I stop visioning what God has in store, I stop contacting like I should, and I spend way to much time on YouTube.

The point is this. We should never be satisfied with where we are at in our life. We should always want to serve Christ more, love our spouses more, and work harder than ever before.

In 2008 I want to draw closer to Christ then ever before, I want wife to know and feel that she is the most important thing to me, and I want to work harder than I have ever worked in my life.

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